October Bible Verses - 69

Bible Verses About Wholly - 22 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Wholly - There are 22 verses using Wholly in 9 books. Wholly is discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (4), Joshua (4) and Leviticus (4). The World English Version (WEB)

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Hope - 121 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 1) - "Hope" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (22), Job (15) and Romans (10). "Hope" - mentioned in 29 books and occurs 121 times in the King James Bible.

Bible Verses About Walk - 203 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Walk" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (19), Jeremiah (16) and Deuteronomy (12). "Walk" - mentioned in 47 books and occurs 203 times in the Bible.

Chapter 35 - (page 35) - The First Book of Moses: Called Genesis (The New Testament)
Chapter 35 - (page 35) - Genesis describes the creation of all things, the creation of Adam and Eve, their lives in the Garden of Eden, the history of man up to the Exodus from Egypt.

(page 2) - Bible Verses About Sea - 352 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 2) - "Sea" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (30), Joshua (28) and Isaiah (26). "Sea" - mentioned in 46 books and occurs 352 times in the Bible (KJV)

Chapter 10 - (page 348) - The First Book of the Chronicles (The King James Bible).....
Chapter 10 - (page 348) - 1 Chronicles is the first book of the official history for Judah and Israel. The book includes Genealogies and recounts much of the history told in other books.

Bible Verses About Performed - 34 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Performed - There are 34 verses using Performed in 16 books. Performed is discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (6), Ezekiel (5) and Additions_to_Esther (3). The Bible.

(page 5) - Bible Verses About Hand - 1294 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 5) - "Hand" - discussed most often in the books of Samuel-1 (87), Ezekiel (87) and Psalms (82). "Hand" - mentioned in 54 books and occurs 1294 times in the Bible.

Bible Verse of the Day July 5 - Daily Scripture (kjv)
July 5 Bible Verses of the Day - Scriptures: Psalms 44:15 * Proverbs 22:8 * Psalms 96:6 * Psalms 137:1 * Psalms 47:4 * Proverbs 10:30 * Psalms 37:20 *

Chapter 9 - (page 347) - The First Book of the Chronicles (The King James Bible).....
Chapter 9 - (page 347) - 1 Chronicles is the first book of the official history for Judah and Israel. The book includes Genealogies and recounts much of the history told in other books.

Chapter 10 - (page 967) - The Gospel According to Saint Mark (The King James Bible)...
Chapter 10 - (page 967) - Gospel of St. Mark describes the life of Jesus and the miracles he performed. It shows that Jesus is the Messiah who was sent to suffer and to restore mankind.

Chapter 11 - (page 180) - The Book of 2 Kings - Modern English - World English Bible (WEB)
Chapter 11 - (page 180) - Kingdoms ignore God and his prophets, until they fall captive to the Assyrians and Babylonians. The Book of 2 Kings. Modern English Bible Translation.....

Bible Verses About Foundations - 32 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Foundations" - discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (7), Psalms (5) and Jeremiah (3). "Foundations" - mentioned in 14 books and occurs 32 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Wait - 99 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Wait" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (21), Judges (14) and Isaiah (8). "Wait" - mentioned in 28 books and occurs 99 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Spiritual - 23 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Spiritual" - discussed most often in the books of Corinthians-1 (12), Romans (3) and Ephesians (3). "Spiritual" - mentioned in 7 books and occurs 23 times in the Bible.

Bible Verse of the Day May 15 - Daily Scripture (kjv)
May 15 Bible Verses of the Day - Scriptures: Proverbs 12:19 * Psalms 44:24 * Psalms 109:20 * Psalms 17:13 * Psalms 145:21 * Psalms 36:12 * Psalms 76:9

Chapter 23 - (page 429) - The Book of Ezekiel - Modern English - World English Bible (WEB)
Chapter 23 - (page 429) - God chooses Ezekiel to warn the Jews about their errors and to provide words of hope and encouragement during their captivity. The Book of Ezekiel. English.

Chapter 30 - (page 705) - The Book of Job - Modern English - World English Bible (WEB)
Chapter 30 - (page 705) - A righetous man named Job is attacked and tested by Satan. Job is patient and faithful as terrible things are happening to him. The Book of Job. English.

Bible Verses About Beyond - 53 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Beyond" - discussed most often in the books of Ezra (6), Genesis (3) and Deuteronomy (3). "Beyond" - mentioned in 24 books and occurs 53 times in the Bible.

(page 2) - Bible Verses About Spread - 144 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
(page 2) - Spread - There are 144 verses using Spread in 33 books. Spread is discussed most often in the books of Leviticus (20), Isaiah (16) and Ezekiel (11). The World English Bible (WEB)

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Earth - 916 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
(page 1) - Earth - There are 916 verses using Earth in 53 books. Earth is discussed most often in the books of Psalms (133), Genesis (95) and Isaiah (90). The Holy World English Bible (WEB)

Bible Verses About Sealed - 26 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Sealed" - discussed most often in the books of Revelations (7), Esther (3) and Jeremiah (3). "Sealed" - mentioned in 14 books and occurs 26 times in the Bible.

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Died - 189 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 1) - "Died" - discussed most often in the books of Genesis (33), Numbers (17) and Samuel-2 (16). "Died" - mentioned in 30 books and occurs 189 times in the Bible.

Daily Scripture September 7 - Bible Verse of the Day (kjv)
September 7 Bible Verses of the Day - Scriptures: Psalms 73:4 * Psalms 22:15 * Psalms 128:3 * Proverbs 1:29 * Proverbs 17:22 * Psalms 119:70 * Psalms 16:5

Bible Verses About Beside - 127 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Beside" - discussed most often in the books of Numbers (23), Isaiah (12) and Kings-1 (9). "Beside" - mentioned in 31 books and occurs 127 times in the Bible.

Chapter 5 - (page 934) - The Gospel According to Saint Matthew (The King James Bible)
Chapter 5 - (page 934) - Matthew discusses the life of Jesus and contains his ministry. It shows how his conception, birth, life, death, ministry and resurrection fulfilled Scriptures.

Bible Verses About Dreamed - 17 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Dreamed - There are 17 verses using Dreamed in 4 books. Dreamed is discussed most often in the books of Genesis (12), Daniel (2) and Jeremiah (2). The World English Bible (WEB)

Chapter 2 - (page 869) - The Book of Mark - Modern English - World English Bible (WEB)
Chapter 2 - (page 869) - This brief account of Jesus earthly ministry highlights Jesus authority and servanthood. The Book of Mark. Modern English Bible Translation. The Holy Bible.

Chapter 2 - (page 1113) - The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians
Chapter 2 - (page 1113) - 1 Thessalonians - Paul wrote to encourage the church in Thessalonica. Paul focuses on the second coming of Christ and the principles of Faith, Hope, and Love.

Bible Verses About Ran - 813 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Ran - There are 813 verses using Ran in 62 books. Ran is discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (70), Isaiah (47) and Genesis (42). The World English Version of the bible.

Chapter 13 - (page 224) - The Book of Judges (The New Testament - King James Bible)...
Chapter 13 - (page 224) - Judges describes problems in the promised land. The death of Joshua and stories of Samson and Delilah. The Lord raises up leaders (judges) to restore peace.

The Book of Daniel (The New Testament - King James Bible)...
Daniel tells how God protected and provided for the faithful during captivity. It includes the story of the Lion's den and a vision of future redemption and hope.

Chapter 15 - (page 638) - The Book of Jeremiah - Modern English - World English Bible (WEB)
Chapter 15 - (page 638) - God sends the prophet Jeremiah to warn Israel about their sins and the destruction, capativity and suffering that their sins would cause. The Book of Jeremiah.

Bible Verses About Knew - 165 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Knew" - discussed most often in the books of John (23), Genesis (16) and Samuel-1 (15). "Knew" - mentioned in 35 books and occurs 165 times in the Bible (KJV)

Gods Protection Of Those Who Trust In Him (Bible Stories)
Gods Protection Of Those Who Trust In Him (Bible Stories) - Selections from the Old and New Testaments. Translated and Arranged By Henry A. Sherman and Char...

Bible Verses About Cherub - 69 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Cherub - There are 69 verses using Cherub in 15 books. Cherub is discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (22), 1_Kings (13) and Exodus (11). The World English Version (WEB)

(page 2) - Bible Verses About Sinners - 46 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 2) - "Sinners" - discussed most often in the books of Luke (10), Psalms (6) and Matthew (5). "Sinners" - mentioned in 17 books and occurs 46 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Teach - 268 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Teach - There are 268 verses using Teach in 38 books. Teach is discussed most often in the books of Psalms (32), Luke (28) and Mark (26). The World English Version of the bible.

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Shekels - 68 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
(page 1) - Shekels - There are 68 verses using Shekels in 18 books. Shekels is discussed most often in the books of Numbers (30), Leviticus (7) and Exodus (6). The World English Bible (WEB)

Chapter 2 - (page 1182) - The Book of Romans - Modern English - World English Bible (WEB)
Chapter 2 - (page 1182) - Paul explains the gospel of Jesus in a letter to the churches in Rome. God's plan of salvation and righteousness for mankind is discussed. The Book of Romans.

Chapter 9 - (page 487) - The Book of Psalms (The New Testament - King James Bible)...
Chapter 9 - (page 487) - Psalms is a collection of songs, poems, prayers and praises to God. The Psalms communicate various themes and circumstances from laments to thanks and/or joy.

Bible Verse of the Day February 16 - Daily Scripture (kjv)
February 16 Bible Verses of the Day - Scriptures: Psalms 89:28 * Proverbs 17:27 * Psalms 139:3 * Psalms 31:12 * Proverbs 27:4 * Psalms 133:3 * Proverbs 28:11

(page 17) The Complete Sayings of Jesus, by Arthur Hinds
The Complete Sayings of Jesus: XIV. The Sermon on the Mount - The King James Version of Christ's own words. Assembled and Arranged in Sequence by Arthu...

(page 3) - Bible Verses About Once - 459 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
(page 3) - Once - There are 459 verses using Once in 61 books. Once is discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (43), Genesis (33) and Acts (32). The Holy World English Version (WEB)

Chapter 7 - (page 167) - The Book of Macc1 - Modern English - World English Bible (WEB)
Chapter 7 - (page 167) - Maccabees - Tells the story of the struggle of the Jews following the reign of Alexander the Great when the Greek ruler Epiphanes attempted to destroy Jewish law and worship.

(page 2) - Bible Verses About Less - 823 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
(page 2) - Less - There are 823 verses using Less in 64 books. Less is discussed most often in the books of Psalms (120), Genesis (78) and Deuteronomy (59). The World English Version (WEB)

Chapter 11 - (page 302) - The First Book of the Kings (The King James Bible Version)
Chapter 11 - (page 302) - 1 Kings contains history from the death of David through Solomon. Solomon receives wisdom from god and is the wisest king. When he dies the kingdon is divided.

(page 2) - Bible Verses About Delivered - 287 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 2) - "Delivered" - discussed most often in the books of Judges (31), Psalms (23) and Luke (16). "Delivered" - mentioned in 47 books and occurs 287 times in the Bible.

Chapter 8 - (page 858) - The Book of Daniel (The New Testament - King James Bible)...
Chapter 8 - (page 858) - Daniel tells how God protected and provided for the faithful during captivity. It includes the story of the Lion's den and a vision of future redemption and hope.

Bible Verse of the Day May 1 - Daily Scripture (kjv)
May 1 Bible Verses of the Day - Scriptures: Psalms 21:10 * Psalms 31:24 * Psalms 35:18 * Psalms 80:1 * Psalms 18:32 * Psalms 119:153 * Psalms 55:3 * * *

Jesus Tells How One May Become Great - The Children's Bible
Jesus Tells How One May Become Great - The Children's Bible - Selections from the Old and New Testaments. Translated and Arranged By Henry A. Sherman an...

(page 5) - Bible Verses About Days - 815 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
(page 5) - Days - There are 815 verses using Days in 49 books. Days is discussed most often in the books of Genesis (61), Jeremiah (51) and Acts (49). The Holy World English Version (WEB)

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Disciples - 231 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 1) - "Disciples" - discussed most often in the books of Matthew (68), John (60) and Mark (43). "Disciples" - mentioned in 6 books and occurs 231 times in the Bible.

Scriptures on Gold - Verses from King James Bible (kjv)
Scriptures on Gold. 36 Bible Verses: Kings 1 10:2 * James 5:3 * Exodus 37:27 * Samuel 2 21:4 * Song Of Solomon 1:11 * Revelations 3:18 * Daniel 3:10 *

(page 2) - Bible Verses About Month - 187 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 2) - "Month" - discussed most often in the books of Numbers (29), Ezekiel (18) and Chronicles-1 (15). "Month" - mentioned in 23 books and occurs 187 times in the Bible.

Scriptures on Sore - Verses from King James Bible (kjv)
Scriptures on Sore. 36 Bible Verses: Samuel 1 5:7 * Samuel 1 28:15 * Samuel 1 17:24 * Genesis 47:4 * Psalms 77:2 * Deuteronomy 28:35 * Micha 2:10 * * * *

Bible Verse of the Day August 31 - Daily Scripture (kjv)
August 31 Bible Verses of the Day - Scriptures: Psalms 89:20 * Proverbs 10:8 * Psalms 89:41 * Proverbs 28:12 * Proverbs 22:16 * Psalms 48:14 * Psalms 93:4

Bible Verses About Idol - 12 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Idol" - discussed most often in the books of Chronicles-2 (3), Corinthians-1 (3) and Isaiah (2). "Idol" - mentioned in 7 books and occurs 12 times in the Bible.

Chapter 23 - (page 646) - The Book of Jeremiah - Modern English - World English Bible (WEB)
Chapter 23 - (page 646) - God sends the prophet Jeremiah to warn Israel about their sins and the destruction, capativity and suffering that their sins would cause. The Book of Jeremiah.

Bible Verses About Safely - 21 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Safely" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (7), Proverbs (3) and Jeremiah (3). "Safely" - mentioned in 11 books and occurs 21 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Suffer - 91 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Suffer - There are 91 verses using Suffer in 25 books. Suffer is discussed most often in the books of 1_Peter (16), Acts (7) and Hebrews (7). The Holy World English Bible (WEB)

Bible Verses About Reckoned - 24 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Reckoned - There are 24 verses using Reckoned in 9 books. Reckoned is discussed most often in the books of 1_Chronicles (9), 2_Chronicles (4) and Numbers (3). The World English Bible.

Bible Verses About Thoughts - 53 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Thoughts" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (11), Isaiah (6) and Daniel (6). "Thoughts" - mentioned in 17 books and occurs 53 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Cave - 39 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Cave - There are 39 verses using Cave in 14 books. Cave is discussed most often in the books of Genesis (11), 1_Samuel (6) and Joshua (6). The World English Version of the bible.

Chapter 11 - (page 61) - The Book of 1 Kings - Modern English - World English Bible (WEB)
Chapter 11 - (page 61) - The history of the kings of Israel. King Solomon is the richest and wisest. Ahab and Queen Jezebel are the worst. The Book of 1 Kings. Modern Translation.

Bible Verse of the Day August 13 - Daily Scripture (kjv)
August 13 Bible Verses of the Day - Scriptures: Psalms 125:3 * Psalms 25:5 * Psalms 132:7 * Psalms 15:4 * Psalms 59:4 * Proverbs 8:35 * Psalms 55:11 *

Daily Scripture August 16 - Bible Verse of the Day (kjv)
August 16 Bible Verses of the Day - Scriptures: Proverbs 22:16 * Proverbs 17:8 * Psalms 143:2 * Proverbs 28:27 * Proverbs 13:14 * Psalms 138:4 * Proverbs 28:7

Bible Verses About Rivers - 71 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Rivers" - discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (17), Ezekiel (16) and Psalms (8). "Rivers" - mentioned in 20 books and occurs 71 times in the Bible.

The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians
1 Thessalonians - Paul wrote to encourage the church in Thessalonica. Paul focuses on the second coming of Christ and the principles of Faith, Hope, and Love.

Chapter 1 - (page 471) - The Book of Genesis - Modern English - World English Bible (WEB)
Chapter 1 - (page 471) - The story of creation. Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah and the Ark, Tower of Babel, Abraham, Isaac, Rebecca, Esau, Jacobs ladder, Joseph coat of many colors.

Bible Verses About Cubit - 28 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Cubit" - discussed most often in the books of Exodus (11), Ezekiel (7) and Kings-1 (4). "Cubit" - mentioned in 9 books and occurs 28 times in the Bible (KJV)

(page 2) - Bible Verses About Mountains - 167 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 2) - "Mountains" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (30), Isaiah (24) and Psalms (20). "Mountains" - mentioned in 36 books and occurs 167 times in the Bible.

Chapter 4 - (page 556) - The Book of Isaiah - Modern English - World English Bible (WEB)
Chapter 4 - (page 556) - The prophet Isaiah warns of future judgment and provides detais about, the birth, life and death of Jesus Christ. He tells that Jesus will bear the sins of many.

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Minister - 98 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 1) - "Minister" - discussed most often in the books of Exodus (18), Numbers (10) and Ezekiel (9). "Minister" - mentioned in 28 books and occurs 98 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Hard - 45 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Hard" - discussed most often in the books of Deuteronomy (4), Psalms (4) and Genesis (3). "Hard" - mentioned in 26 books and occurs 45 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Wall - 162 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Wall" - discussed most often in the books of Nehemiah (31), Ezekiel (25) and Kings-1 (13). "Wall" - mentioned in 30 books and occurs 162 times in the Bible.

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Latter - 84 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
(page 1) - Latter - There are 84 verses using Latter in 25 books. Latter is discussed most often in the books of Numbers (16), Proverbs (9) and Daniel (8). The World English Version (WEB)

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Nigh - 98 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 1) - "Nigh" - discussed most often in the books of Luke (14), Psalms (10) and Numbers (9). "Nigh" - mentioned in 26 books and occurs 98 times in the King James Bible.

Chapter 146 - (page 624) - The Book of Psalms (The New Testament - King James Bible)...
Chapter 146 - (page 624) - Psalms is a collection of songs, poems, prayers and praises to God. The Psalms communicate various themes and circumstances from laments to thanks and/or joy.

Bible Verse of the Day April 8 - Daily Scripture (kjv)
April 8 Bible Verses of the Day - Scriptures: Proverbs 4:10 * Psalms 89:49 * Psalms 91:6 * Psalms 89:28 * Psalms 13:2 * Psalms 109:1 * Proverbs 29:27

Bible Verses About Fulfilled - 81 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Fulfilled" - discussed most often in the books of Matthew (16), John (11) and Acts (9). "Fulfilled" - mentioned in 23 books and occurs 81 times in the Bible.

Chapter 3 - (page 1243) - The Book of Zephaniah - Modern English - World English Bible (WEB)
Chapter 3 - (page 1243) - God warns that he will judge Israel. The overthrow of Judah for idolatry and wickedness is predicted. God promised to restore them. The Book of Zephaniah.

Chapter 2 - (page 911) - Haggai (The New Testament of the King James Version Bible)
Chapter 2 - (page 911) - Haggai encouraged the people to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem that was destroyed during the Babylonian conquest. Haggai promised Gods blessing.

Daily Scripture February 4 - Bible Verse of the Day (kjv)
February 4 Bible Verses of the Day - Scriptures: Psalms 79:4 * Psalms 75:8 * Psalms 25:5 * Psalms 86:1 * Psalms 136:13 * Proverbs 13:8 * Psalms 150:4

Bible Verses About Swear - 57 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Swear" - discussed most often in the books of Genesis (8), Matthew (8) and Jeremiah (6). "Swear" - mentioned in 22 books and occurs 57 times in the Bible (KJV)

(page 4) - Bible Verses About Water - 645 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
(page 4) - Water - There are 645 verses using Water in 49 books. Water is discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (55), Genesis (54) and Psalms (52). The Holy World English Bible (WEB)

(page 106) The Complete Sayings of Jesus, by Arthur Hinds
The Complete Sayings of Jesus: Appendix: Paul's Witness: CIII. - I am Alpha and Omega - The King James Version of Christ's own words. Assembled and Ar...

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Prince - 99 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 1) - "Prince" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (25), Numbers (24) and Daniel (16). "Prince" - mentioned in 22 books and occurs 99 times in the Bible.

Bible Verse of the Day August 7 - Daily Scripture (kjv)
August 7 Bible Verses of the Day - Scriptures: Psalms 21:11 * Proverbs 13:2 * Psalms 104:1 * Psalms 8:8 * Psalms 79:10 * Proverbs 13:4 * Psalms 19:10

The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Timothy (Bible)...
2 Timothy - Paul admonishes Timothy to remain faithful and strong, guard the gospel, persevere it, to keep preaching it, and, if necessary, to suffer for it.

Daily Scripture August 13 - Bible Verse of the Day (kjv)
August 13 Bible Verses of the Day - Scriptures: Psalms 135:16 * Psalms 38:13 * Psalms 58:11 * Proverbs 10:29 * Psalms 31:21 * Psalms 10:17 * Psalms 17:9

Bible Verses About Swear - 62 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Swear - There are 62 verses using Swear in 24 books. Swear is discussed most often in the books of Genesis (8), Matthew (8) and Jeremiah (6). The Holy World English Bible (WEB)

Chapter 2 - (page 2) - The Book of 1 Chronicles - Modern English - World English Bible (WEB)
Chapter 2 - (page 2) - This is a brief history of Israel from Adam to David, culminating with David commissioning the temple of God in Jerusalem. The Book of 1 Chronicles. English.

Bible Verses About Syria - 71 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Syria" - discussed most often in the books of Kings-2 (27), Kings-1 (11) and Chronicles-2 (11). "Syria" - mentioned in 13 books and occurs 71 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Rocks - 22 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Rocks - There are 22 verses using Rocks in 11 books. Rocks is discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (5), Jeremiah (3) and Job (3). The World English Version of the bible.

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Everlasting - 66 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
(page 1) - Everlasting - There are 66 verses using Everlasting in 19 books. Everlasting is discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (18), Psalms (11) and Genesis (7). The World English Bible.

(page 2) - Bible Verses About Chief - 328 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 2) - "Chief" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (58), Chronicles-1 (50) and Acts (39). "Chief" - mentioned in 34 books and occurs 328 times in the Bible.

(page 3) - Bible Verses About Edge - 310 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
(page 3) - Edge - There are 310 verses using Edge in 47 books. Edge is discussed most often in the books of Proverbs (45), Job (22) and Isaiah (21). The World English Version of the bible.

(page 3) - Bible Verses About Bed - 286 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
(page 3) - Bed - There are 286 verses using Bed in 49 books. Bed is discussed most often in the books of Daniel (26), 1_Chronicles (19) and Romans (16). The Holy World English Bible (WEB)
