Young's Literal Translation: Proverbs Page 20

16:6 In kindness and truth pardoned is iniquity, And in the fear of Jehovah Turn thou aside from evil.

16:7 When a man's ways please Jehovah, even his enemies, He causeth to be at peace with him.

16:8 Better [is] a little with righteousness, Than abundance of increase without justice.

16:9 The heart of man deviseth his way, And Jehovah establisheth his step.

16:10 An oath [is] on the lips of a king, In judgment his mouth trespasseth not.

16:11 A just beam and balances [are] Jehovah's, His work [are] all the stones of the bag.

16:12 An abomination to kings [is] doing wickedness, For by righteousness is a throne established.

16:13 The delight of kings [are] righteous lips, And whoso is speaking uprightly he loveth,

16:14 The fury of a king [is] messengers of death, And a wise man pacifieth it.

16:15 In the light of a king's face [is] life, And his good-will [is] as a cloud of the latter rain.

16:16 To get wisdom -- how much better than gold, And to get understanding to be chosen than silver!

16:17 A highway of the upright [is], `Turn from evil,' Whoso is preserving his soul is watching his way.

16:18 Before destruction [is] pride, And before stumbling -- a haughty spirit.'

16:19 Better is humility of spirit with the poor, Than to apportion spoil with the proud.

16:20 The wise in any matter findeth good, And whoso is trusting in Jehovah, O his happiness.

16:21 To the wise in heart is called, `Intelligent,' And sweetness of lips increaseth learning.

16:22 A fountain of life [is] understanding to its possessors, The instruction of fools is folly.

16:23 The heart of the wise causeth his mouth to act wisely, And by his lips he increaseth learning,

16:24 Sayings of pleasantness [are] a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul, and healing to the bone.

16:25 There is a way right before a man, And its latter end -- ways of death.

16:26 A labouring man hath laboured for himself, For his mouth hath caused [him] to bend over it.


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