The Pistis Sophia - Page 26

Sophia continueth her song."'1. My power, sing praises to the Light and forget not all the powers of the Light which it hath given unto thee.

"'2. And the powers which are in thee, sing praises to the name of his holy mystery;

"'3. Who forgiveth all thy transgression, who saveth thee from all the afflictions with which the emanations of Self-willed have constrained thee;

"'4. Who hath saved thy light |163. from the emanations of Self-willed which belong to destruction; who hath wreathed thee with light in his compassion, until he saved thee;

"'5. Who hath filled thee with purified light; and thy beginning will renew itself as an invisible of the Height.'

"With these words Pistis Sophia sang praises, because she was saved and remembered all things which I had done unto her."

It came to pass then, when the First Mystery had finished setting forth these words unto the disciples, that he said unto them: "Who hath understood the solution of these words, let him come forward and say it in openness."

Mary again came forward and said: "My Lord, concerning these words with which Pistis Sophia hath sung praises, thus thy light-power prophesied them through David:

Mary interpreteth from Psalm cii."'1. My soul, praise the Lord, let all that is in me praise his holy name.

"'2. My soul, praise the Lord and forget not all his requitals.

"'3. Who forgiveth all thy iniquities; who healeth all thy sicknesses;

"'4. Who redeemeth thy life from decay; who wreatheth thee with grace and compassion;

"'5. Who satisfieth thy longing with good things; thy youth will renew itself as an eagle's.'

"That is: Sophia will be as the invisibles who are in the Height; he hath, therefore, said 'as an eagle,' because the dwelling-place of the eagle is in the height, and the |164. invisibles also are in the Height; that is: Pistis Sophia will shine as the invisibles, as she was from her beginning."

It came to pass then, when the First Mystery had heard Mary say these words, that he said: "Well said, Mary, blessed one."

Sophia is led to a region below the thirteenth æon and given a new mystery.It came to pass then thereafter, that the First Mystery continued again in the discourse and said unto the disciples: "I took Pistis Sophia and led her up to a region which is below the thirteenth æon, and gave unto her a new mystery of the Light which is not that of her æon, the region of the invisibles. And moreover I gave her a song of the Light, so that from now on the rulers of the æons could not [prevail] against her. And I removed her to that region until I should come after her and bring her to her higher region.

"It came to pass then, when I had removed her to that region, that she again uttered this song thus:

She continueth to sing."'1. In faith have I had faith in the Light; and it remembered me and hearkened to my song.

"'2. It hath led my power up out of the chaos and the nether darkness of the whole matter and it hath led me up. It hath removed. me to a higher

and surer æon, lofty and firm; it hath changed my place on the way which leadeth to my region.

"'3. And it hath given unto me a new mystery, which is not that of my æon, and given unto me a song of the Light. Now, therefore, O Light, all the rulers will see what thou hast done unto me, and be |165.afraid and have faith in the Light.'

This song then Pistis Sophia uttered, rejoicing that she had been led up out of the chaos and brought to regions which are below the thirteenth æon. Now, therefore, let him whom his mind stirreth, so that he understandeth the solution of the thought of the song which Pistis Sophia hath uttered, come forward and say it."

Andrew came forward and said: "My Lord, this is concerning what thy light-power hath prophesied aforetime through David:

Andrew interpreteth from Psalm xxxix."'1. In patience I tarried for the Lord; he hath given heed unto me and ear unto my weeping.

"'2. He hath led up my soul out of the pit of misery and out of the filthy mire; he hath set my feet on a rock and made straight my steps.

"'3. He hath put in my mouth a new song, a song of praise for our God. Many will see and be afraid and hope in the Lord.'"

It came to pass then, when Andrew had set forth the thought of Pistis Sophia, that the First Mystery said unto him: "Well said, Andrew, blessed one."

And he continued again in the discourse and said unto the disciples: "These are all adventures which have befallen Pistis Sophia. |166. It came to pass then, when I had led her to the region which is below the thirteenth æon, and was

about to go unto the Light and depart from her, that she said unto me:

The conversation of Sophia and the Light."'O Light of lights, thou wilt go to the Light and depart from me. And Tyrant Adamas will know that thou hast departed from me and will know that my saviour is not at hand. And he will come again to this region, he and all his rulers who hate me, and Self-willed also will bestow power unto his lion-faced emanation, so that they all will come and constrain me all together and take my whole light from me, in order that I may become powerless and again without light. Now, therefore, O Light and my Light, take from them the power of their light, so that they may not be able to constrain me from now on.'

The Light promiseth to seal the regions of Self-willed."It came to pass then, when I heard these words which Pistis Sophia had spoken unto me, that I answered her, saying: 'My Father, who hath emanated me, hath not yet given me commandment to take their light from them; but I will seal the regions of Self-willed and of all his rulers who hate thee because thou hast had faith in the Light. And I will also seal the regions of Adamas and of his rulers, so that none of them may be able to fight with thee, until their time is completed and the season cometh that my Father give me commandment to take their light from them.'

"And thereafter I said again unto her: 'Hearken that I |167. may speak with thee about their time, when this which I have said unto thee, will come to pass. It will come to pass when [the] three times are completed.'

"Pistis Sophia answered and said unto me:

[paragraph continues] 'O Light, by what shall I know when the three times will take place, so that I may be glad and rejoice that the time is near for thee to bring me to my region, and moreover rejoice therein that the time is come when thou wilt take the light-power from all them which hate me, because I have had faith in thy light?'

How Sophia will know that the time of her final deliverance hath come."And I answered and said unto her: 'If thou seest the gate of the Treasury of the Great Light which is opened after the thirteenth æon, and that is the left [one],--when that gate is opened, then are the three times completed.'

"Pistis Sophia again answered and said: 'O Light, by what shall I know,--for I am in this region,--that that gate is opened?'

What will come to pass at that time."And I answered and said unto her: 'When that gate is opened, they who are in all the æons will know because of the Great Light which will obtain in all their regions. But see, I have now settled that they shall venture no ill against thee, until the three times are completed. And thou wilt have the power of going down into their twelve æons, |168. when it pleaseth thee, and also of returning and going into thy region, which is below the thirteenth æon, and in which thou now art. But thou wilt not have the power of passing through the gate of the Height which is in the thirteenth æon, so as to enter into thy region whence thou didst come down. Moreover, if then the three times are completed, Self-willed and all his rulers will again constrain thee, to take thy light from thee, being enraged against thee and thinking that thou hast imprisoned his power in the chaos, and thinking that thou hast taken its light from it. He will then be embittered


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