The Pistis Sophia - Page 18

"'9. May his children become orphans and his wife a widow.

"'10. May his children be carried away and be driven forth and beg; may they be thrown out of their houses.

"'11. May the money-lender sift out all that he hath, |109. and may strangers plunder all his best efforts.

"'12. Let there be no man to back him, and no one to take pity on his orphans.

"'13. May his children be exterminated and his name blotted out in a single generation.

"'14. Let the sin of his fathers be remembered before the Lord, and the sin of his mother be not blotted out.

"'15. Let them be ever present to the Lord and his memory be rooted out from the earth;

"'16. In that he hath not thought of using

mercy and hath persecuted a poor and wretched man and hath persecuted a sorry creature to slay him.

"'17. He loved cursing,--and it shall come unto him. He desired not blessing,--it shall stay far from him.

"'18. He clothed himself with cursing as with a vesture, and it entered into his bowels as water, and it was as oil in his bones.

"'19. May it be for him as a garment in which he shall be wrapped, and as a girdle with which he shall ever be girded.

"'20. This is the work of them who slander [me] before the Lord, and speak unlawfully against my soul.

"'21. But do thou, O Lord God, be gracious unto me; for thy name's sake save me.

"'22. For I am poor and I am wretched; my heart is tumult within me. |110.

"'23. I am carried away in the midst as a shadow which hath sunk down, and I am shaken out as grass-hoppers.

"'24. My knees have become weak from fasting, and my flesh is altered from [lack of] oil.

"'25. But I have become a mock unto them; they saw me and wagged their heads.

"'26. Help, O Lord God, and save me according to thy grace.

"'27. May they know that this is thy hand, and that thou, O Lord, hast fashioned them.'

"This is then the solution of the twelfth repentance which Pistis Sophia uttered, when she was in the chaos."

And Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto his disciples: "It came to pass


again thereafter that Pistis Sophia cried unto me, saying:

"O Light of lights, I have transgressed in the twelve æons, and have descended from them; wherefor have I uttered the twelve repentances, [one] for each æon. Now, therefore, O Light of lights, forgive me my transgression, for it is exceedingly great, because I have abandoned the regions of the height and have come to dwell in the regions of the chaos.'

"When then Pistis Sophia had said this, she continued again in the thirteenth repentance, saying:

The thirteenth repentance of Sophia."'1. Hearken unto me singing praises unto thee, O Light of lights. Hearken unto me uttering the repentance for the thirteenth æon, the region out of which I have come down, in order that the thirteenth repentance of the thirteenth æon may be accomplished,--those [æons] |111. which I have overstepped and out of which I have come down.

"'2. Now, therefore, O Light of lights, hearken unto me singing praises unto thee in the thirteenth æon, my region out of which I have come down.

"'3. Save me, O Light, in thy great mystery and forgive my transgression in thy forgiveness.

"'4. And give unto me the baptism and forgive my sins and purify me from my transgression.

"'5. And my transgression is the lion-faced power, which will never be hidden from thee; for because of it have I gone down.

"'6. And I alone among the invisibles, in whose regions I was, have transgressed, and have gone down into the chaos. Moreover I have

transgressed, that thy commandment may be accomplished.'

"This then Pistis Sophia said. Now, therefore, let him whom his spirit urgeth to understand her words, come forward and proclaim her thought."

Martha came forward and said: "My Lord, my spirit urgeth me to proclaim the solution of that which Pistis Sophia hath spoken; thy power hath prophesied aforetime concerning it through David in the fiftieth Psalm, saying thus:

Martha interpreteth the thirteenth repentance from Psalm l."'1. Be gracious unto me, O God, according to thy |112. great grace; according to the fulness of thy mercy blot out my sin.

"'2. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity.

"'3. And may my sin be ever present to thee,

"'4. That thou mayest be justified in thy words and prevail when thou judgest me.'

"This is then the solution of the words which Pistis Sophia hath uttered."

Jesus said unto her: "Well said, finely, Martha, blessed [one]."

Jesus sendeth forth a light-power to help Sophia.And Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto his disciples: "It came to pass then, when Pistis Sophia had said these words, that the time was fulfilled that she should be led out of the chaos. And of myself, without the First Mystery, I despatched out of myself a light-power, and I sent it down to the chaos, so that it might lead Pistis Sophia forth from the deep regions of the chaos, and lead [her] to the higher regions of the chaos, until the command should come from the First Mystery that she should be led entirely forth out of the chaos. And my light-power led Pistis Sophia up to the higher regions

of the chaos. It came to pass then, when the emanations of Self-willed had noticed that Pistis Sophia was led forth into the higher regions of the chaos, that they also sped after her upwards, desiring to bring her again into the lower regions of the chaos. And my light-power, which I had sent to lead up Sophia out of the chaos, shone exceedingly. It came to pass then, when the emanations of Self-willed pursued Sophia, |113. when she had been led into the higher regions of the chaos, that she again sang praises and cried out unto me, saying:

Sophia uttereth a song of praise."'1. I will sing praises unto thee, O Light, for I desired to come unto thee. I will sing thee praises, O Light, for thou art my deliverer.

"'2. Leave me not in the chaos. Save me, O Light of the Height, for it is thou that I have praised.

"'3. Thou has sent me thy light through thyself and hast saved me. Thou hast led me to the higher regions of the chaos.

"'4. May the emanations of Self-willed which pursue me, sink down into the lower regions of the chaos, and let them not come to the higher regions to see me.

"'5. And may great darkness cover them and darker gloom come over them. And let them not see me in the light of thy power, which thou hast sent unto me to save me, so that they may not again get dominion over me.

"'6. And let not their resolution which they have formed, to take away my power, take effect for them. And as they have spoken against me, to take from me my light, take rather from them theirs instead of mine.

"'7. And they have proposed to take away my whole light and have not been able to take it, for thy light-power was with me.

"'8. Because they have taken counsel without thy commandment, O Light, therefore have they not been able to take away my light.

"'9. Because I |114. have had faith in the Light, I shall not be afraid; and the Light is my deliverer and I shall not fear.'

"Now, therefore, let him whose power is exalted, speak the solution of the words which Pistis Sophia hath uttered."

And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished speaking these words unto his disciples, that Salome came forward and said: "My Lord, my power constraineth me to speak the solution of the words which Pistis Sophia hath uttered. Thy power hath prophesied aforetime through Solomon, saying:

Salome interpreteth the song of Sophia from the Odes of Solomon."'1. I will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, for thou art my God.

"'2. Abandon me not, O Lord, for thou art! my hope.

"'3. Thou hast given me thy vindication for naught, and I am saved through thee.

"'4. Let them who pursue me, fall down and let them not see me.

"'5. May a smoke-cloud cover their eyes and an air-mist darken them, and let them not see the day, so that they may not seize me.

"'6. May their resolution be impotent, and may what they concoct come upon them.

"'7. They have devised a resolution, and it hath not taken effect for them.

"'8. And they are vanquished, although they


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